De Speelboom provides much more than just care; it is a centre where both children and parents feel welcome and understood.

Who can use De Speelboom childcare?
All children from 0 to 3 years are welcome! Your child will join a group with other children of a similar age.
Does your child need special care? We will work with you to find the best solutions. We pride ourselves on supporting every child, including children from vulnerable families, thanks to our strong social commitment.

Why choose childcare from Familiehulp?
Settling in for a smooth start
The transition from home to childcare is a big step so we take our time to get to know your family. By tailoring personalised settling-in moments to your child's needs, we ensure a smooth start and a good relationship between our care leaders and your family.
We often schedule about 3 or so settling-in moments as these help us align parenting habits and understand your child's communication even better.
My young daughter really enjoys going to childcare. She has fun every day and also enjoys playing with the other children and cuddling the care leaders. As a mum, I know I can leave my daughter there with complete peace of mind. It’s truly a top team!

Requesting childcare?
Click here to send your childcare request. You will be redirected to the appropriate website, depending on the Speelboom region you choose.
Any other questions about our childcare service?
Do you have any questions about our childcare service?
Please feel free to contact us. We are here to help you!
How much does childcare cost?
Fees are based on your income and family situation (e.g. number of dependent children), making our childcare accessible to all.
Tip: request your income certificate from Kind en Gezin in good time, to determine your daily rate.
When and how to request childcare?
It is best to make your request as soon as you know you are pregnant or as soon as possible thereafter.
The registration of your request varies by municipality or city.
We are happy to direct you to the right website to register here.
Childcare in your local area
Our various childcare centres in Flanders and Brussels.