Elke, former student completing care assistant training course

Elke evolved from shop assistant to carer at Familiehulp.
She had no previous experience in the sector, but was able to join Familiehulp to train as a carer.
Today, Elke assists her grateful clients as a carer at Familiehulp.
Elke worked as a shop assistant for 13 years, until a company bankruptcy made her consider a new career path. "My grandparents had been receiving support from Familiehulp for a while at that point, and I had always thought that a caring role would suit me too.
I enjoy helping others and am very sociable by nature. I need to be among people," Elke says.
Free training for carers - care assistants
The young mum did not have any suitable qualifications so she could not start working as a carer straight away, but that was certainly not a barrier. In fact, she was able to attend the free course to become a carer at one of Familiehulp's training centres in Flanders and Brussels. "I learnt an awful lot there. From household chores, to first aid, to all facets of caring. You also need to learn about psychology so you can deal with people and their possible difficulties properly."
Variety and satisfaction
As a carer, Elke supports her clients with a variety of household tasks. "But this job is so much more. The coolest thing is the variety. You visit different people's homes every day and the range of tasks is always different. We help clients with their hygiene, prepare meals, vacuum, iron and run errands together. Your day flies by.
For our clients, who can sometimes be lonely, our company is also very valuable. We may take a walk together or have a cup of coffee. The truth is that we help people with everything they need. This creates a genuine bond and I carry them in my heart. When I see that my customers are happy, my own day is sure to be great.
I can recommend the training and a job with Familiehulp to anyone. Don’t be afraid to take the plunge and learn something new in your life.
Familiehulp believes in paying accurate wages on time, providing a pleasant working atmosphere and appreciating its own people. Everyone is given the freedom to organise their own work, with the support and guidance of care partners, colleagues and coaches. “Each team revolves around the key values of cooperation, openness and solidarity.
Familiehulp gives you the confidence to do your job autonomously, independently and with enough variety. I also chose Familiehulp because the job was perfectly compatible with my family life. Your personal situation and who you are as a person are really taken into account here," Elke concludes.